Frequently asked questions

[View Fundamentals]

1. What is the design objects?

The server focuses on the functional data and the client concentrates on the data presentation. It is no necessary to implement the extra structural logic source codes which are not related to the final requirements and difficult to be maintained any more.


1. What is the basic concepts of the server architecture?

Environment: the whole framework is implemented as an operation system.
Application: multiple applications could be run in one operation system.
Provider: an application may consist of many providers.
PVID: a provider is uniquely identified by a PVID, and till 2^24 PVID could be assigned to the entire Environment.

2. What is the components of the server architecture?

A Switcher is the collection point of the server's other components, which is used to accept the connection from the client, and finish the information exchange according to PVID. Multiple Switchers could be deployed in one operation system. One Switcher running on one server is the typical case.