注册时间: 02/09/2015 15:53:01
文章: 52
Current version:2.3-b3361
Release date: 2016-1-18
Change Log:
limax-2.3-b3361 (2016/1/1
1. Expand the concept of the View, support the sending of the status data, and optimize the large-scale data set broadcast. Please refer the manual for the detailed information (Application Development/Advanced Characteristic).
2. Adjust the Bind semantics, use the key to directly bind the table, the bind field defined by the xml is the subscription of the value of the bound table.
3. The Auany provides the application configuration management, publishes the server's status information to the application client, allows the Provider to publish the private information of the application, and addes and maintains the application configuration without restart the Auany. Please refer the manual for the detailed information (appendix 3)
4. minor bug fix
The relative API documents for downloading have been updated.