注册时间: 02/09/2015 15:53:01
文章: 52
Current version:2.4-b3502
Release date: 2016-5-25
Change Log:
1. Fully support the JSON, refer the appendix "The JSON support" of the limax manual for the detailed information.
2. Increase the lua/fastscript mode, which accelerates 40% compared with the lua/script mode, however the lua performance is still far less than the javascript.
3. Extend the tools, provide the limax.util.HttpClientService, which is convenient to connect multiple Http servers, to avoid that a failure of a server effects the application performance; provide the zdb lock inspection tool, which is accessed through java -jar limax.jar jmxtool lockenv way.
4. minor bug fix
The latest source code and documents have been updated at the same time.